Currently, when performing most metalworking operations on machine tools, lubricants and coolants (aqueous electrolyte solution, sulfofresol) are used.
The coolant has a multifaceted effect on the metalworking process, while significantly increasing its efficiency.
First of all, as the name suggests, they lubricate and cool the tool and the processed material.
Lubrication occurs due to the absorption of liquid molecules on the surface of the tool.
At the same time, thanks to a specially selected coolant composition, a durable thin film is formed, and the coefficient of friction is reduced by 3-5 times.
Naturally, the cutting force decreases.
Some studies show that when working with cutters, lubricants can reduce the cutting force by 25%, and when working with broaches — even by 35-40%.
The lubricating properties of the liquid are closely related to its ability to penetrate microcracks on the processed material and thus loosen the cut layer of the material.
At the same time, the forces of interaction between its individual atoms decrease.
This is especially noticeable when cutting thin shavings.
The possibility of using such liquids as cooling agents is determined by their latent heat of vaporization, thermal conductivity and heat capacity.
Depending on the composition of the coolant, the temperature in the cutting area can be reduced.
Finally, the positive effect of COOLANT on the cutting process is manifested in the fact that they wash away the chips.
This is especially important in operations such as grinding and honing when fine chips and abrasive dust are formed.
Based on the main purpose, cooling lubricants can be divided conditionally into three groups: with predominantly cooling properties; with cooling and partially lubricating properties; with partially cooling and lubricating properties.
Coolant can be supplied to the cutting area in various ways.
The most common method is a falling jet supply, when the liquid is directed through a pipeline from above into the cutting area.
Based on the above, it should be noted that the use of coolant today is an integral part of the technological processes of metalworking.
09 Martha 2017