Before using the metal band saw blade, it is necessary to check its tension, which should not deviate from the recommended value of 300 N/mm.
With weak tension, the canvas can produce an oblique cut, with excessive tension, a rupture is possible during the work.
To control the creation of optimal tension of the band saw, you can use a special device — a strain gauge.
Processing of the belt blade To set the optimal speed of movement of the blade for the saw on the metal.
At the beginning of the work, the feed rate of the material should be 50% of the permissible.
If a vibration occurs on the web, it is necessary to slowly reduce the feed rate until it stops.
During operation, it is necessary to monitor the process of chip formation and its shape.
After 15 minutes after the start of cutting, you can increase the feed rate of the web to the recommended one.
Cooling of the sawed material and its lubrication The service life of the working web depends on the selection of a coolant, the task of which is to reduce the risk of overheating.
The metal cutting process includes cooling and lubrication of materials, such as aluminum and its alloys.
When working with cast iron and non-metallic materials, their lubrication and cooling are not provided.
Determining the speed of the web by types of chips pulverized and fine chips – it is necessary to increase the feed rate; heavy thick chips with a blue tint – it is necessary to reduce the feed rate; twisted chips – the feed is carried out at an optimal speed.
09 Martha 2017